In simple terms "cloud computing" means accessing the database resources via internet.the best examples are Google applications,Facebook,etc..,let me explain in clearly if you're searching an article in Google search it will retrieve the necessary information from their databases via internet this is called cloud computing.At the same time if you post an article in Facebook it will be store the data in their databases via internet this is also called "cloud computing".
The major advantages of using Cloud Computing in Aspnet applications
By using cloud computing we can store large amount of data from anywhere without worrying about their maintenance.
Transfer the data from one server to another server,no need to worry about server types that means we can move the data from Unix based machine to Windows
If we are using the Cloud computing for our aspnet application,there is no change in the performance in our aspnet application if traffic raises high.
Thousands of virtual machines and applications can be managed more easily using a cloud-like environment. Read Full Article