IT Tutorial

Recovering Grub 2

GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Grub 2) is the second version of GNU GRUB. It is the software responsible for loading and transferring control to the operating system kernel during the initial boot. Grub 2 is compatible with standard POSIX (GNU/Linux, *BSD, Mac OS, etc) and can also connect to systems incompatible with standard POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Unix).
GRUB 2 is a complete rewriting of the Grub interface. Based on the research project PUPA, GRUB 2 is more modular and portable than its predecessor. Some of the GRUB 2 scheduled improvements include:
• a graphical interface, including theming;
• modular loading;
• cross-platform compatibility;
• scripting support;
• user-customized boot entries;
• revised partition naming.

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Recovering Grub 2