IT Tutorial

A basic ADO Open and Requery

New to ADO? Worried about ADO? This little subroutine gets round the problems of opening ADO recordsets. Please look elsewhere on this site for info on opening the database itself. If you open a Recordset in your code, ADO expects you to close it before re-opening. But if it's not open you can't close it.

' Name: A basic ADO Open and Requery rou
' tine
' Description:New to ADO? Worried about
' ADO? This little subroutine gets round t
' he problems of opening ADO recordsets. P
' lease look elsewhere on this site for in
' fo on opening the database itself.
If you open a Recordset in your code, ADO expects you to close it before re-opening. But if it's not open you can't close it... (Oh My!).
Here's my solution. It requires a public ADODB.Connection - I call it gCn.
The routine will open a new recordset (compatible with Janus GridEx), or refresh it if it's open or if the SQL has changed. Optional ReadOnly argument.
' By: Steve Mann
' Inputs:rs - an ADO recordset (eg Dim r
' sMine as New ADODB.Recordset)
szSource - (eg "select * from customers")
Optional - bReadOnly (True for read-only)
' Returns:Sets the supplied Recordset.
'Assumes:Assumes your public ADO Connect
' ion object is called gCn, and that the s
' upplied szSource is a valid SQL statemen
' t.
'Side Effects:If you pass invalid SQL, y
' ou'll get an error. Ctrl+Break and you'l
' l be ready to F8 out and see where you w
' ent wrong.
'This code is copyrighted and has limite
' d warranties.
'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod
' /vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm
'for details.

Public Sub ADO_OpenRs(rs As Recordset, szSource$, Optional bReadOnly = False)
' Open or Requery a Recordset.
On Error GoTo lab_Err

If rs.State = adStateClosed Or rs.Source <> szSource Then
If rs.State <> adStateClosed Then rs.Close
rs.Open szSource, gCn, adOpenStatic, IIf(bReadOnly, adLockReadOnly, adLockOptimistic)
End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description
GoTo lab_Exit

End Sub


A basic ADO Open and Requery