IT Tutorial

aceVoip - Kali Linux Tutorial

aceVoip - Kali Linux Tutorial

ACE (Automated Corporate Enumerator) is a simple yet powerful VoIP Corporate Directory enumeration tool that mimics the behavior of an IP Ph...
Free Encryption Project

Free Encryption Project

Let's Encrypt, a project aimed to provide free-of-charge and easier-to-implement way to obtain and use a digital cryptographic certifica...
WordPress Vulnerability

WordPress Vulnerability

WordPress Vulnerability Puts Millions of Websites At Risk. Millions of WordPress websites are at risks of being completely hijacked by t...
Android Brillo

Android Brillo

Internet of Things is the future, and every big tech companies are trying to become an integral part of this upcoming trend. Keeping this in...
Yoast Plugin Vulnerability

Yoast Plugin Vulnerability

A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the most popular plugin of the WordPress content management platform (CMS) that puts tens of...
Windows 10 Reviews

Windows 10 Reviews

Microsoft just announced in its Ignite 2015 conference in Chicago that Windows 10 is set to be "the last version of Windows." ...
WebAssembly New Standard for Web Apps

WebAssembly New Standard for Web Apps

Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Mozilla have joined hands to create code for use in the future web browsers that promises up to 20 times faste...
IT Tutorial